May 2, 2016 by community

Cisco is a rescue that has been part of the family for a year now. His transformation has been amazing.  Found him on Facebook pets page. I think he belonged to an animal hoarders? Anyways my gut told me to grab him and save him. Best decision I have made. Do you ever wonder what they are thinking?. 


Yorkie Nose Neck Gaiter / Cloth Face Mask


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Love Your Yorkie Hoodie


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“Warm Hearts Melt Even the Frostiest Days” Unisex Hoodie


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Either You Love Yorkies iPhone 5/5s/Se, 6/6s, 6/6s Plus Case (Limited Edition Abbie)


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“Warm Hearts Melt Even the Frostiest Days” Unisex Long Sleeve Tee


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