One of the most loved dog breeds nowadays is the Yorkshire Terrier. The Yorkshire Terrier temperament is bundled with an adorable appearance and a charming personality. Usually, this type of dog is an excellent companion due to his optimistic nature, but as it happens with all dog breeds, they come with a set of unique temperamental characteristics. In general, a Yorkie is known because of the following facts:
- First of all, it is considered an intelligent breed because it is easy to train and it does now require extensive knowledge in the field of training.
- Secondly, this tiny dog is independent and courageous, which eventually will end in a series of entertaining events.
- Also, do not forget about his endless amounts of energy.
A Yorkie is that particular dog that will never cease to amaze you due to his energy.
Yorkshire Terriers are above average when it comes to intelligence. They have the ability to find various ways of getting what they desire. Their alertness and curiousness are apart. Usually, all these qualities revolve around the owner. This breed is devoted to the human that takes care of them. Moreover, due to this devotion, they are prone to listen more when it comes to training.
Their independence is more pronounced than in the case of other dogs. So, if you are not persuasive when training them, you risk ruining the entire process. Their energy makes them impatient. This means you should adopt a firm voice. It is best to stick to a routine. Furthermore, their attention span is quickly shifted from one point to another, which means you will face a constant running marathon. This is another reason training is essential. If your dog does not learn to react to your commands, you will end up running after him.
Another characteristic of this breed is courage. Keep in mind that their courage is cautious, which means that they will stop as soon as they sniff something dangerous. Also, they are territorial and will not stand down when other dogs invade their territory. It is best to take some cautious when bringing new pets home. Your Yorkie is prone to act all territorial and defensive if someone new steps in their comfort zone. A solution, in this case, is encouraging your dog to socialize. This will diminish their tendency to react violently when they are facing new events.
More and more people affirm the fact that a Yorkie is one of the most stubborn dog breeds around. In other words, if you want to capture his attention, you will have to present him a challenge that is more attractive than he wants to do. In other words, you will never get bored while owning a terrier.
Experts say that you will not have to spoil your dog. He is a breed that is accustomed to a simple life, so there is no need to reinvent the things around him. This will only make him spoiled and less responsive to your commands. Moreover, if you spoil your dog, you will alter his independent nature, which can lead to an irritable and not so sociable pet.
Bottom line, the temperament of a Yorkie is influenced by the characteristics above. This breed is full of life and energy. Owning a dog like this will make your life brighter and funnier. Their stubbornness can lead to a series of comic events. All you have to do is to teach him some basic commands, and you will be able to live together harmoniously.
Posted in Blog 📖 ⋆ blog, itsayorkielife, owning a dog, yorkie, yorkie love, yorkshre terrier